Robert C. Marley

Psycho Thrill - Tell-Tale Twins

Übersetzt von

Toby Axelrod

Teil 5 der Reihe "Psycho Thrill: Chilling Tales of Horror"

Bruised and battered, Edgar Allen Poe awakens in a basement dungeon. There, he meets a mysterious man who looks like an older version of himself. Within a week, Poe will attend his own funeral as a spectator, but that’s not the most horrific encounter he’ll have with a twisted fate. The clock is ticking, and his life is on the line...again.

-- PSYCHO THRILL is a series of horror novellas - from classic ghost story to psychological thriller and dark fantasy. Each of the novellas was first published in German and has now been published for the first time in English. Among the writers are popular German authors, as well as newcomers to the scene. Each story is self-contained. PSYCHO THRILL is produced by Uwe Voehl.

-- For fans of Stephen King: Dark Tower series, Neil Gaiman: Fragile Things, and the American Horror Story TV series.

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Lieferungszeitraum: Sofort verfügbar





eBook (epub)




92 Seiten





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Produktbild: Psycho Thrill - Tell-Tale Twins (9783732547609 )

Psycho Thrill - Tell-Tale Twins

1,99 €

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