netwars 2 - Down Time - Compilation Two
Mutual funds. Savings accounts. The stock exchange. It takes just one cyber attack to crash it all.
"Down Time" sees the return of vigilante hacker Scott Mitchell, whose victory against hacker group Black Flag was just a minor setback for the cyber criminals. With a new recruit under his wing, The Salesman is ready to launch another attack in this high-tech serial thriller set in the anonymity of the Dark Web.
The National Cyber Crime Unit (NCCU) in London have joined forces with the FBI to battle a new piece of malicious code threatening to bring the world financial market to its knees.
Meanwhile, several elite traders have been found dead in strange circumstances - from heart attacks to kinky sex acts. Could their deaths be connected?
"Down Time" is a gripping cyber thriller and the second season of the much acclaimed transmedia project "netwars" based on real facts and cyber-attack scenarios. The project spans multiple story platforms including a fact-based website ( and the interactive graphic novel app "netwars: The Butterfly Attack."
This compilation features all six episodes of Season Two.
For fans of Dave Eggers, THE CIRCLE; Daniel Suarez, DARKNET; the movie ENEMY OF THE STATE, and espionage and high-tech Thrillers.
7,99 €
Alle Preise inkl. 7% gesetzl. Mehrwertsteuer zzgl. Versandkosten und ggf. Nachnahmegebühren, wenn nicht anders angegeben.
Lieferungszeitraum: Sofort verfügbar
eBook (epub)
500 Seiten
M. Sean Coleman
M. Sean Coleman begann seine schriftstellerische Laufbahn als Scriptwriter für Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy Online ( Seitdem hat er Shows für MSN, O2, Sony Pictures International, Fox, die BBC und Channel 4 geschrieben und produziert, für die er mehrfach mit Preisen ausgezeichnet wurde. Er wohnt in London und schreibt weiterhin Romane, Graphic Novels und Fernsehscripts.

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netwars 2 - Down Time - Compilation Two
7,99 €
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