Survivor - Episode 5

Übersetzt vonPeter Millar

The QuakeScience Fiction ThrillerTeil 5 der Reihe "Survivor: A Science Fiction Series"

SURVIVOR: A digital serial novel in 12 episodes. Episode 5.

Commander Ryan Nash and his friend Jabo have become separated from their friends. Jabo, who has been transformed into a cyborg, half men and half machine, implores Ryan to kill him. For he is afraid of losing his fight against the program in his head and turning into a killing machine. But then Ryan and Jabo are attacked by a real monster: the "Long", a man-eating behemoth. During their headlong flight through the corridors of the subterranean city they meet a mysterious man called Nubroski, a Russian. He introduces himself as a former assistant of Dr Kasanov, the mastermind behind the SURVIVOR mission. And he has his own plans for Ryan Nash and his crew.

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Lieferungszeitraum: Sofort verfügbar



Bastei Lübbe


eBook (epub)


Science Fiction Romane


42 Seiten


Englisch (Großbritannien)



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Produktbild: Survivor - Episode 5 (9783838740294 )

Survivor - Episode 5

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