The Boy Who Granted Dreams
New York, 1909: Fifteen-year-old Cetta arrives on a freighter with nothing but her infant son Natale: strikingly blond, dark-eyed, and precocious. They've fled the furthest reaches of southern Italy with the dream of a better life in America.
But even in the "Land of the Free," the merciless laws of gangs rule the miserable, poverty-stricken, and crime-filled Lower East Side. Only those with enough strength and conviction survive. As young Natale grows up in the Roaring Twenties, he takes a page from his crippled mother's book and finds he possesses a certain charisma that enables him to charm the dangerous people around him ...
Weaving Natale's unusual life and quest for his one true love against the gritty backdrop of New York's underbelly, Di Fulvio proves yet again that he is a master storyteller as he constructs enticing characters ravaged by circumstance, driven by dreams, and awakened by destiny.
Haunting and luminous, this masterfully written blend of romance, crime, and historical fiction will thrill lovers of turn-of-the-century dramas like "Once Upon a Time in America" and "Gangs of New York."
About the Author:
Luca Di Fulvio as born in 1957 in Rome where he now works as an independent author. His versatile talent allows him to write riveting adult thrillers and cheerful children's stories (published under a pseudonym) with equal ease. One of his previous thrillers, "L'Impagliatore," was filmed in Italian under the title "Occhi di cristallo." Di Fulvio studied dramaturgy in Rome where he was mentored by Andrea Camilleri.
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eBook (epub)
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784 Seiten
Luca Di Fulvio
Luca Di Fulvio, geb. 1957, lebte und arbeitete als freier Schriftsteller in Rom. Bevor er sich dem Schreiben widmete, studierte er dort Dramaturgie bei Andrea Camilleri an der Accademia Nazionale d'Arte Drammatica Silvio D'Amico. Di Fulvios schriftstellerische Karriere startete mit dem Schreiben von Thrillern, später wandte er sich den großen, emotional tiefen Geschichten zu, in denen seine Protagonist:innen sich gegen die mannigfaltigen Widrigkeiten des Lebens zur Wehr setzen müssen. Er erzählte mit Leidenschaft, Liebe für seine Protagonisten und großem Sinn für Gerechtigkeit und riss mit jedem Roman seine große Fangemeinde aufs Neue mit. Nicht nur seine ersten Romane Der Junge, der Träume schenkte und Das Mädchen, das den Himmel berührte standen monatelang auf den vordersten Plätzen der Spiegel-Bestsellerliste. Im Mai 2023 verstarb Luca Di Fulvio nach schwerer Krankheit in Rom.

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The Boy Who Granted Dreams
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